And it is time again for What I Ate Wednesday.
I need to make another batch of granola. (That’s the problem with preferring your own cooking… you then need to have a chance to do it!) So, what else is a fast easy grain? I’ve eaten corn tortillas for breakfast before, with eggs and beans, and they were good. But I haven’t been eating the beans in the hot weather. (What hot weather? Well – we did have some…) I’ve eaten cheesey scrambled eggs sometimes, though… because they are fast and easy. And I got these cute mini tortillas at the nearby bodega… and wanted to use them. Suddenly, it occurred to me to eat them with the eggs as a wrap, for a breakfast I could eat easily and quickly. Definitely a win! I tend to eat breakfast at the computer (as so many of us do, these days…) reading the news and catching up with friends – a breakfast that lets me eat and scroll at the same time does help.
For lunch – well, I’ve been writing about salads, and I’ve been eating salads. Nearly forgot to take this picture… It’s another batch of the Health Salad. This time I didn’t have any parsley, but I added the celery leaves as well as the chopped stalk, and I did use more tomato – it was beautifully ripe when I made this. I mixed lettuce and arrugula and some other chopped veg, and cooked chicken and white beans, and a big helping of the chopped salad. I think it was toast on the side… since I’d finished the tabbouli I’d eaten in the same combination the previous few days.
Dinner was… well… Dinner was It’s Monday, the CSA pickup is tomorrow, let’s empty the vegetable keepers! I took a big pan, and sauteed an Italian cooking pepper, an eggplant, and several summer squash of varying kinds. I simmered all that a while with a couple of cubes of frozen chicken broth, and a cube of frozen pureed basil. (I’ll write about that later…) Then I added corn from the ear that had been pushed to the back of the crisper drawer (oops…) and added some of the mixture to a pan of sauteed chicken. The rest I froze for future use – it’s always good to have something that is ready to heat and eat. It all came out awfully beige, but it tasted a lot better than it looks… Maybe when I reheat the rest I’ll add some greens, as well.
And I’m linking up at Peas and Crayons. Thank you, Jenn, for hosting this – I have so much fun seeing what other people eat, and showing what I do!