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So, I trust you are all now seeing this as a Secure Website. And that indeed, nothing was broken in the making of this site…

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That’s just the first visible result of my recent work, and pretty much the sort of thing I’m doing. I am so not a tech person, but for a variety of reasons, I am the tech person behind Inhabited Kitchen, as well as Chief Cook (Rich, of course, is Bottle Washer.) I am an intelligent woman who can read directions – and can Google more directions is what I have are not sufficient.

This does sometimes have me going one step at a time, looking up definitions,and then being frustrated because what I had to do was really simple (once I stripped out all the Cautions and In Case Ofs…) Yesterday was that sort of day – turned out that what I needed to do was super simple – once I got down to the actual directions! Ah, well…

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Meals have been pretty simple, too. For  breakfast, I had corn muffins, and a protein shake made with orange juice and almond milk, and protein powder. Quick and easy… (the muffins were left from the day before.)

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The soup, again, I’d made the day before – a nice big pot gave us a couple of day’s worth. I finished the ham stock and some ham… added a can of black beans, and some turnips. Excellent soup – one of those where I sat there trying to remember what I had done and why it tasted so good… ever had one of them?

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For dinner, I experimented. Basically I threw everything in the pressure cooker (mostly so I didn’t have to pay any attention to it…) Frozen chicken thighs, and tomatoes, eggplant and yellow squash, and millet. It all ended up a bit soupier than I planned, and will be tweaked quite a bit before any of you see a recipe, but it did work as proof of concept – and most importantly, it did work as Dinner.

All right, let me get back to that Landing Page…


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