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WIAW 180

WIAW 180

A few changes are coming our way, in our life, which will affect the way I cook, which will therefore affect what I write about… I’ll tell you more in a couple of weeks, when things are closer.  The way I eat will not essentially 

Pumpkin Spice Hummus

Pumpkin Spice Hummus

Don’t limit Pumpkin Spice to pie or coffee – make and enjoy Pumpkin Spice Hummus as a spread of dip! Delicious at lunch, fun for a party! You knew it had to happen, didn’t you? Well, actually, it didn’t happen quite the way you may 

WIAW 179 – And It’s Tomato Season!

WIAW 179 – And It’s Tomato Season!

Every year, right about this time, we abruptly go from “I wish we had more tomatoes” to “Where did all these tomatoes come from?!”  Well, that’s part of being with a CSA – we get what we get when it ripens…  Being at one with 

Lazy Cook’s Fresh Tomato Sauce

Lazy Cook’s Fresh Tomato Sauce

When you have tomatoes but no time, try the Lazy Cook’s Fresh Tomato Sauce! It’s simple, easy, fast, but keeps the wonderful fresh flavor of your tomatoes. Well, maybe the cook isn’t lazy. Maybe the cook is just tired, or rushed, or harried. Maybe s/he 

WIAW 178

WIAW 178

Mostly, today, it’s migraine weather… so this will be brief. (Yes, thank you, I’m fine now, or I would not be writing this, but… a bit worn around the edges.) Oh, well… Too bad, because I’m telling your about a great breakfast I had! I