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A Collection of Make Ahead Thanksgiving Recipes

A Collection of Make Ahead Thanksgiving Recipes

Looking for Make Ahead Thanksgiving recipes, that you can easily bring to the big family dinner? These ten tried and true recipes have worked well for us!   Here in the United States we are well into planning for Thanksgiving. Who is hosting the Family 

Guide to Slow Cookers

Guide to Slow Cookers

Are you trying to decide what would be the best slow cooker for your family – or for a gift? The Guide to Slow Cookers helps you evaluate your needs!  

WIAW 183

WIAW 183

Well, I guess I was scattered – I gave two posts the same number! But let’s move on to 183, which is really 184 (but I am so not going there…)  

Down’n’Dirty Vegan Chili

Down’n’Dirty Vegan Chili

A super simple, fast, and easy vegan chili for those days you Just Can’t Cook (but need to anyway…) No matter how good a cook you are, sometimes you just need to open a can of chili and call it dinner. And if that isn’t 

WIAW 182 – Scattered Thoughts, and News!

WIAW 182 – Scattered Thoughts, and News!

We still don’t have scattered leaves – what an odd year! – but my thoughts and concentration have been scattered enough to make up for them. I’ve said once or twice that something was going on, and I’d tell you later… well, now it is