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Quick Pork with Mushroom Sauce

Quick Pork with Mushroom Sauce

A super quick, simple mushroom sauce dresses up plain pork loin in no time for an everyday dinner. Serve it with rice or mashed potatoes to enjoy all the goodness! If there’s one thing I know about this family, it’s that we all like mushrooms… 

WIAW 186 – Grits and Sweet Potatoes

WIAW 186 – Grits and Sweet Potatoes

So we’ve been here in North Carolina a month, now. We still haven’t unpacked everything (ya think?) and, well, not everything will be unpacked – but we’re getting close to the point where we’ll be able to separate out the boxes we don’t expect to 

Pressure Cooker Beans

Pressure Cooker Beans

Use an electric pressure cooker, an Instant Pot or any other, to cook beans easily and quickly! This is one of those really exciting recipes! Well… OK, no matter what I did I couldn’t make a plain bowl of Great Northern Beans look all that 

WIAW 185 – Still Unpacking!

WIAW 185 – Still Unpacking!

Well, we’ve been settling in… We aren’t fully unpacked, yet, but we’re getting closer to having only things that are destined for long term storage – so now we’re looking into getting them out of the house. That will both please the parents and make 

Shrimp and Tofu with Vegetables

Shrimp and Tofu with Vegetables

  The recipe actually started with the vegetables… I found, and bought, a lovely big bag of fresh green beans. Big being the operative word…  After all, we don’t want green beans every night, and we certainly don’t want plain steamed green beans every night…