Chocolate Chili Peanut Sauce

Chocolate Chili Peanut Sauce

Ever just need a sauce to add flavor to plain food, or bring several different elements together into one meal? Does a chocolate chili sauce sound interesting? When you think about it, many of our favorite dishes are defined by the sauce. Classic French cooking, 

Carrot Ginger Salad Dressing

Carrot Ginger Salad Dressing

As I have mentioned before, though I have never been a vegetarian, I ate very little meat for many years, cooking mostly vegetarian meals at home. My cookbooks were vegetarian, I used tofu before it was readily available (and tempeh when it was very hard 

Rhubarb Fruit Sauce

Rhubarb Fruit Sauce

Sometimes I wonder how anyone ever came to eat rhubarb in the first place. It looks much like celery, but the outside is green to pink to red. (When you cut it, the inside is still green.) You can’t eat the leaves, which are toxic. 

Gingerbread Spice Blend

Gingerbread Spice Blend

Gingerbread Spice – a simple blend to make at home, and then use in all kinds of recipes for that quick gingerbread flavor.   All right, this is sort of a quick one thrown in along the way…   I’m playing with ideas for gingerbread 

Salsa Fresca

Salsa Fresca

I think I mentioned tomatoes? We have tomatoes…