WIAW 168 – Happy Midsummer!
No, I really do not know why the first day of summer is called midsummer… Presumably reacting to the sun, rather than the season!
But here we are, it is summer, and oddly enough, it feels like a normal summer day! Sunny and hot, but not oppressively so, just enough to make you appreciate the salad, or cool drink (and sort of envy the kids running around in the water park down the block…)
Our Community Supported Agriculture – CSA for short – pickups have begun. Long time readers will know this means we come into the produce heavy season in Inhabited Kitchen… What will I do with those two large heads of escarole? Or all that lovely fresh mint? (It’s definitely herb season!) And, while we don’t have a fruit share, fresh local fruit (other than apples) has arrived in the farmer’s markets.
So of course I made Strawberry Muffins! Sure, I like good basic corn muffins – my bread and butter, as it were. But vanilla scented muffins with fruit – they’re a treat! And don’t you believe that gluten free quick breads need added starch or gums – this is all about the choice of flour, and they rise beautifully! (Yeast breads are another story… the longer rise requires something with more substance to hold together. ) I drank a protein shake with the muffins, and was content.
I am finally in salad season. I got lettuce at the farmer’s market, to be sure, and also received some in the CSA share. With some radishes and scallions, it’s a beginning… I added ham and chickpeas – both so good in salad – and a homemade oil and vinegar dressing with fresh oregano. No pictures, but I had brown rice cakes on the side.
And for dinner – well, more ham and chickpeas (sometimes I just keep using what is cooked and handy) mixed with golden chard. (See the yellow stems? So pretty!) Served, of course, over the ubiquitous brown rice.
Jenn’s WIAW party is at Laura’s Sprint2thetable – come on over!