Nothing much new, yet, this week…Breakfast

I’m still playing a bit with the corn muffins. I want to try different variations. I like the beans and eggs, too – they leave me feeling very solid and ready for the day. I’ll have to see how they work as it gets hot, though – it was still quite cool most of this week, though now the temperatures are climbing!

LunchLunch recognizes the beginning of summer, though – salad. We have lots of radishes! Still just starting to get a wider variety, but with scallions it’s enough to start. I had marinated kidney beans and feta cheese, too, and a ranch dressing. With a little peanut butter on my rice cakes, it was a nice meal.

Dinner shows the cool weather. The CSA was still sending us some winter storage root vegetables (We’re very lucky they have them!) and it was cool enough that something nice and stewy tasted really good. I’d cooked pork shoulder in the slow cooker, removed the pork, added water to the juices and cooked beans in that, for the flavor.

DinnerThen, for dinner, I sauteed half an onion, added cut up carrot and rutabaga (all from the CSA) and a bit of the shredded pork from the day before. Poured cooked beans over it, and simmered until the vegetables were done, and added cooked kale (also from the previous day.) It had been a surprisingly cool day, and this warm stew just hit the right mood.

It’s getting hot now, though – some of these meals may change! I still love the slow cooker in hot weather, though – it doesn’t heat the kitchen. (I can even run it overnight, if we really have a heat wave.) And we’ll certainly still eat beans – which are a staple in hot climates, after all – but I’ll be looking for a lighter feel to our meals.617 WIAW

Playing over at What I Ate Wednesday…

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